image of Give away & recycle - Stockholm
image of Give away & recycle - Stockholm
image of Give away & recycle - Stockholm
image of Give away & recycle - Stockholm
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Give away & recycle

Publicerad för 43 minuter sen
I'm looking for someone who takes my wardrobe and recycle some other stuffs at the same time. The stuffs in the basements are: 1 disassembled electric desk, 1 disassembled wardrobe with doors (180cm tall, 160cm wide I think. Inside is 2 bars where you can hang clothes), 1 used whiteboard, 1 small ikea desk with 2 legs only. 1 TV desk with short legs, 2 used mattresses, 1 broken monitor. I don't mind if you assemble stuffs in the basement and use it. I want someone who can take all the stuffs!
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