image of Big boxes and bags -
image of Big boxes and bags -
image of Big boxes and bags -
image of Big boxes and bags -
1600 kr
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Big boxes and bags

Publicerad för 37 minuter sen
LOOKING FOR SMALL TRUCK AND CARRYNG HELP FOR MOVING! For this Thursday (23/06) in the morning (11h ish)! I am looking for small truck/ van to transport my stuff from Gustavsberg to my new house in Hagsätra/Bandhagen. I have few furnitures (only 3 small tables + 1 chair) but a lot of boxes. Also help for carrying the stuff! The things are in the 2nd floor without elevator, and they are going to be transported to an apartment in the 3rd floor WITH elevator)
Från: Gustavsberg
Till: Bandhagen

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