image of Pick up/deliver wardrobes -
image of Pick up/deliver wardrobes -
image of Pick up/deliver wardrobes -
image of Pick up/deliver wardrobes -
600 kr
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Pick up/deliver wardrobes

Publicerad senaste dygnet
Hi! I need help to pick up 3 smaller but tall wardrobes (240 cm / 40 cm / 50 cm) Pick up from seller, and deliver to me, buyer. It’s only from Hammarbyhöjden to Enskede Gård, a shorts drive. We need 2 people and a bigger car so we don’t need to take them apart. Due to the depth of 40 cm and that the 3 can be moved separately this should not be a to challenging move if you have a car with room for the hight/length of 240 cm. Please drive safe and I hope to see you this evening!
Från: Johanneshov
Till: Enskede Gård

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