image of Bed, table, chair & boxes -
image of Bed, table, chair & boxes -
image of Bed, table, chair & boxes -
image of Bed, table, chair & boxes -
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Bed, table, chair & boxes

Publicerad för 31 minuter sen
I would like to have some furniture and moving boxes transported from my old to my new flat (5-7 min driving time, 1,8 km): - a bed (200 x 160 x 55 cm) - a small table top (100 x 60 x 4 cm) and four table legs (70 x 4 x 4 cm), disassembled - a desk chair (dismountable) - 6 moving boxes (58 x 43 x 36 cm) - two pictures (83 x 63 x 2 cm and 63 x 43 x 2 cm) - and a flat ironing board So most things are very flat and easily stowable in a van.
Från: Stockholm
Till: Stockholm

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