image of Removal of home rip out - Hounslow
image of Removal of home rip out - Hounslow
image of Removal of home rip out - Hounslow
image of Removal of home rip out - Hounslow
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Removal of home rip out

Publicerad för 86 minuter sen
Looking for somebody to collect and remove the rubbish accumulated from us renovating our house, this includes a fridge freezer & 5 wooden slide in fence panels which are not pictured. Other items which are pictured but may not be seen include 2 bedroom & stairs and hallway carpets & underlay, 4 doors, units and countertop of a small kitchen (wood) pulled up laminate flooring from living/dining room, few old paint pots, dismantled trampoline & some other general waste we found in the shed/garden
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